What are Dental Implants and can I get them done at Anderson Dental?

Apr 28, 2021 by Anderson Dental

We are here to answer the question: What exactly are dental implants, and can I get them done at Anderson Dental?

1. Dental Implants: Defined

Dental implants have revolutionized the way dental professionals care for missing teeth and the problems that come with them. Over time, technology and science have progressed to greatly improve the outcomes of dental implant placement. Today, there is a success rate of 85-90% for the upper jaw and rear part of the lower jaw and a 95-100% success rate for the front part of the lower jaw (these rates are 10% lower for smokers.)

Dental implants are made by extracting the damaged root and replacing it with titanium, a prosthetic root, called a post, which is implanted into the jawbone. After a healing period, the bone grows and fuses with the implant, called osseointegration, which secures it into place and creates an anchor. Once anchored, a connector is placed on the post, which can support a porcelain tooth, a fixed porcelain bridge, or a removable denture. These implants serve as a permanent solution to replace a missing tooth or teeth and can last up to 20 years. 


2. How To Know If You Need Dental Implants.

It’s important to recognize if you need damaged tooth replacements. Here are 4 signs that you might need dental implants: 
  • Missing or chipped teeth. Replacing missing teeth with dental implants is the most durable option, and can help you chew, talk and drink normally again, while also decreasing the risk of headaches and infection.
  • Dentures aren’t fitting properly. When dentures fit incorrectly, they can cause pain and discomfort. Implants function just like teeth and can prevent gum irritation and reduce overall discomfort. 
  •  There is a sign of infection. If an infection has ruined the integrity of the tooth beyond saving, a dental implant is a beneficial next step. It can relieve infection pain and prevent more serious health problems that come from long-term, untreated tooth infections.
  •  The jawbone is deteriorating. If you have been missing teeth for a while, the jawbone may have begun to deteriorate and recede. The implants can stabilize and strengthen the jaw, replace tooth structure and stop further jawbone recession.

3. Benefits of Dental Implants versus Dentures

  • Keeps your jaws healthy. The implant is placed surgically in your jaw, which helps prevent bone loss, gum recession, and the loss of more teeth, which often happens with dentures.
  • Looks like a natural tooth. Once healed, a restoration (crown, bridge, etc), can be added and customized to blend with your other teeth.
  • Restores 90% of your chewing function. Dental implants provide greater functionality, with dentures only restoring 20% of chewing function.
  • Helps maintain your jaw structure. Implants prevent the sunken-in facial appearance seen with tooth loss and maintain your jaw’s natural structure. 
  • Higher durability. Dental implants can last for years, meaning the costs can be lower since they rarely need to be replaced.

4. Dental Implant Services at Anderson Dental

Surprisingly, the true cost of modern dental implants is actually less than it seems. Consider that an alternative such as a bridge will have to be replaced two or three times over a patient’s lifetime. In contrast, implants are for life.

Take control of your smile at Anderson Dental! Get in touch with our experienced and friendly team today to learn more. 